Bahá’u’lláh clearly stated in many of His writings that there is no difference between women and men in the sight of God. In the Baháʼí perspective, a human being is a combination of the physical body and a human spirit whose origin is from God, the Creator. The differences are limited to the physical and material world, just as other human physical differences such as; skin color, ethnicity and body features exist. But, the human soul or spirit, which is the main aspect of a human being, is equal among all of mankind. What defines a true human being is nobility of character and the innate dignity that is not defined as male or female. Also, the path to searching for meaning and goal in life, creating a community, the ability to love, to be creative and to persevere are not identified by male or female.
The inequality that has dominated the past ages is not because men are better, rather, simply, that women were not given the opportunities to develop their capacities. What the world needs today is that all opportunities be given to women to be educated and have an equal place alongside men in all fields of human endeavor. If true equality between women and men does not become a tangible reality in this world, as it is in the spiritual world, human development will not be possible.
To achieve full equality between the sexes is a condition in attaining peace, even though the practice of this truth is still on a very small scale. To deny this truth (equality) means that half of the world population is oppressed as there is no physical, biological or practical basis to justify this denial. The only means for the psychological and moral stability to develop, which are important factors in the establishment of world peace, are for women to enter the fields of human activities as equal partners to men. Men and women are likened to the two wings of a bird, both wings must be equal in order for the bird of humanity to soar and progress.
In reality, God has created all mankind, and in the estimation of God there is no distinction as to male and female. The one who’s heart is pure is acceptable in His sight, be that one man, or God does not inquire, “Art thou woman or art thou man?” He judges human actions. If these are acceptable in the threshold of the Glorious One, man and woman will be equally recognized and rewarded.
- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá