Man’s life has its springtime and is endowed with marvelous glory. The period of youth is characterized by strength and vigor and stands out as the choicest time in human life. Therefore you should strive day and night so that endowed with heavenly strength, inspired with brilliant motives and aided by His celestial power and heavenly grace and confirmation, you may become the ornaments of the world of humanity.
- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Youth are known the world over for their sense of justice and fairness, and also for their courage and altruism. Yet at the same time, youth are faced with negative forces that limit their capacity to bring about progress in their communities, such forces are self-interest and materialism that is widespread in society. Youth are the future of this world and are also a major part of our reality today. As active protagonists of our societies, the way they understand their own selves, their capacities and their roles in society have great social impact.
Therefore, and in line with vision of the UAE country to empower youth intellectually and morally to play their role in the development of the society, we seek to create suitable spaces for them to explore, in an interactive approach, so they can gain a better understanding of the importance of their generation, their capabilities and goals in life, realizing the significance of their role as fundamental building blocks for building our society in the UAE.