Universal Education

The Baháʼí Faith emphasizes on the importance of comprehensive education for all and this is foremost among the Baháʼí Principles. An important part. Of education is spiritual and moral education. Illiteracy is the main reason for the disintegration of societies and the means to feed and strengthen all forms of prejudice. If a nation is to advance and succeed then knowledge and education must be the right of every member of that society. 

Education starts at a very early age and it is the duty of parents to put all their efforts into educating their children and encouraging the development of their characters according to spiritual and moral standards, as well as training them in arts and sciences. Mothers are considered the first educators of their children as they are nurtured and fed knowledge from birth. Every child should have access to education, this is a basic right is not neglected. If parents can provide the necessary financial means to educate their children, they are obligated to do so, otherwise, the responsibility lies on the local community to provide the means for educating each and every child.

Education must develop the sense of achieving excellence in every individual in order to serve society and promote unity, love and establishing peace. Also, in accordance with the needs of the age, education must include the concept of world citizenship as part of a comprehensive educational curriculum for every child.

It is not desirable that a man be left without knowledge or skills, for he is then but a barren tree.